*TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS* (And give yourself a severe case of eyestrain) (The future isn't what it used to be....) "MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 6.7" (SEASON THREE) XMAS SPECIAL: A CHRISTMAS FIT FOR A POKEMON (A Pokemon MSTing) MSTed From the Desk of Megane 6.7 This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author. Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred. Any random mention of certain anime characters, song titles, etc. are the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc. Just covering my own ass here folks.... Pokemon and all related characters are the property of Nintendo and 4Kids. "A Christmas Fit For A Pokemon" is the property of Dr. Thinker and he's welcome to it. I do not intend to offend him for making fun of his work like this but I figure it's only a matter of time before someone does. Think of this as another form of C&C. It's all meant in good fun. ;) (Cue "Mystery Science Theater 6.7 Love Theme" in 5... 4... 3....) It's the not-too-distant future, Last Sunday BC There was this guy named Joel Not so different from you or me He worked at Gizmonic Institute Just another guy in a red jumpsuit He did a great job cleaning up the place, But his bosses really hate him So they shot him into space!!!! Joel: (OH... MY... GODDESS!!!) Crow and Tom: (IT'S MEGAMI-SAMA!) (Instead of holding messed up video, Frank's holding a computer printout) We'll send him crappy fanfics The worst we can find (lalala) He'll have to sit and read them all and we'll monitor his mind (lalala) (Instead of where it shows the guys watching the movie, it shows them ducking behind their seats for 'Artemis's Lover'.) Now keep in mind Joel can't control When the fanfics begin or end (lalala) Because he used those special parts To make his robot friends; ROBOT ROLL CALL: CAMBOT: 'Text only'? Gypsy: 'Oh, my!' Tom Servo: 'Sweet-o!' CROOOOOOOW!!! 'I'm not a hentai!' If your wondering how Joel eats and breathes And other science facts (lalala) Then repeat to yourself *It's just a MiST* You should really just relax for MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 6.7!!!! * * * SATELLITE OF LOVE 05:25 HOURS Joel gently tugged the covers up to Crow's neck as Crow drifted off into his daily regenerative cycle resembling sleep. "Sweet dreams, Crow," Joel whispered as he switched on a tiny blue night light before leaving Crow's quarters. He then walked over to Tom's room, and peeked inside. At first, there was no sign of him but then Joel noticed a small pile of underwear on the floor vibrating slightly. Smiling, Joel reached into the pile and pulled out the snoring Tom Servo. He gently placed him on his bed and tucked him in. "You've really got to clean up this room someday...." Joel whispered as he finished tucking him in. "Goodnight, Tom." Joel left Tom's room and walked up to the bridge. It was deserted as various Christmas and New Year's decorations littered the Satellite. He stifled a yawn and glanced at the camera sleepily and noticed it was on. "Oh, hi everyone. Welcome to the Satellite of Love," Joel whispered. "I just put Tom and Crow to bed. They were up all night partying and celebrating the new millennium. You think the fireworks looked spectacular from Earth? You should have seen it from up here in space. It was something to see, all right...." Joel remarked as he stood by the window, watching the stars go lazily by. "Come to think of it, that MSTing Dr. F sent us right before Christmas was something to see as well. I don't suppose you guys would be interested in watching a little flashback, would you?" Joel inquired in your direction. "You would? Okay then, why don't you make yourself some hot cocoa and sit with me a spell while I tell you how we spent the morning of Christmas Eve. As I remember it, Dr. Forrester had just called us up to the bridge...." (Insert sounds of dreamlike wavy music here) * * * SATELLITE OF LOVE 8 DAYS AGO 07:11 HOURS The image of Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank appeared on the viewscreen. Dr. Forrester was sporting his trademark grin o' evil while Frank was in the background wearing a walkman and bobbing his head to an Anthrax song. "Ah, Roger Wilco, glad to see you could join us this morning. And Merry Christmas, by the way...." Dr. Forrester remarked in a jaunty tone of voice. "Gee, sirs, you really seem to be in the holiday spirits this year," Joel remarked in amazement. "Tis the season to be evil, Joel. And since this IS a season of giving, I shall be honored to give you the opportunity to show us your invention first. Why, you may ask? Because I'm confident that my invention will once again prove that evil is king and good is merely the jester that juggles badly, sings off-key, and tells lousy jokes until someone decides to decapitate the little turd." Dr. Forrester chuckled. "But enough about me, let's see what holiday cheer you've got for us today...." "Um, okay." Joel gestured at the counter where a homemade television with a VCR built in was resting. There was a strange looking device attached to the side of it. "Well, sirs, this invention is the perfect Christmas present for people that just can't get enough anime to satisfy the Otaku lover inside them. It's a special machine that instantly converts any live action movie on video into an anime! Just insert the tape into the VCR and watch live actors and sets be transformed into high quality animation!" "But wait, there's more! You can also choose the type of anime style you want to see!" Tom exclaimed. "Imagine watching 'Seven' with Super Deformed characters, 'Full House' set in the somber world of 'Golgo 13'! Or how about seeing The Matrix' in the style of Marmalade Boy! This machine can do it all and more! "And best of all...." Tom continued. "If you really want the full effect of an anime, you can change the voices being spoken on the tape from English to Japanese with *DECENT* English subtitles. It's almost as authentic as the real thing!" "Yeah!" Crow chimed in. "And for all your holiday hentais out there, just imagine the possibilities of slipping in your favorite adult video and watching with awe as your favorite pin up dreams are recreated with glorious animation as they frolic in various... Mmph!" Joel quickly covered Crow's mouth while glancing nervously at the camera. "Uh, what'da think, sirs?" * * * DEEP 13 Dr. Forrester sneered at the camera. "I think catering to the anime lovers out there is insignificant to the depravity of what I am about to show you! Bring it in, Frank! Time to show them what evil's all about... Frank?" Dr. Forrester turned around to see Frank still engaged with his music. "FRANK!!!" "I'm the man! I'm the man! I'm so bad, I should be in detention!" Frank sang, still engaged in his music. Dr. Forrester put a quick stop to that by grabbing the walkman and cranking up the volume to ear-splitting levels. "YAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Frank screamed as he threw his headphones off and clutched his ears in pain. "It's time for the invention exchange! Get the lead out, Frank!" Dr. Forrester scolded him. "Really? A hundred bucks to the 107th caller?" Frank replied, disoriented. "Oh, never mind! I'll do it myself!" Dr. Forrester snarled as he strode off-camera for a moment and returned with a collection of what appeared to be five oddly designed wallets resting on a silver tray. "Ah, Christmas... At no other time of the year will you find desperate parents searching in vain for that *special* toy, sold out in every toy store in the country because they waited until the last moment to shop. And boy, isn't it just WONDERFUL when you're stuck in a big crowd while shopping and finally find the gift your child has beckoned for... only to find your wallet missing, thanks to the nimble fingers of a petty pickpocket that just pilfered your puny paycheck.... "Well, now, it's payback time with the help of these specially made wallets that I call 'Pocket Monsters'! I've personally designed these little guys so that you can be both secure and vindictive at the same time! Allow Frank to demonstrate...." Frank reached inside one of the wallets and screamed in pain as a mousetrap bar sprung from it and snapped hard on his fingers. He then picked up another one, only to quickly drop it and yelp in pain as it suddenly grew red hot, burning his hands. Blowing cold air on his hands for relief, he tenderly picked up a third wallet and held it in his palm when a small razor blade sprung out from the middle, cutting deeply into Frank's hand. He cried out in pain, gritting his teeth as he reached for a forth wallet with his other hand. A tiny nozzle emerged from its edge and sprayed something that caused Frank's hand to sizzle and smoke. Frank howled in pain, holding both of his injured hands under his armpits as Dr. Forrester continued. "As you can see, not only will your precious cash be safe, you'll be able to chortle with glee as the would-be thief is forced into the emergency room, most likely kept waiting for several hours in excruciating pain." Dr. Forrester flashed an evil grin towards his injured assistant. "One more wallet to go, Frank...." Frank whimpered as he used his teeth to grab the fifth and final wallet, only to receive a series of electronic shocks that held him in place, twitching and yelping in pain. "Shocking, isn't it?" Dr. Forrester giggled. "What do you think, Joel?" "Um, just one question, sirs, if the wallets are loaded with traps, then how will the owner of the wallet get his money?" Joel inquired. "Duh, Joel, that's what your *socks* are for! Geez, what turnip truck did YOU fall off of?" Dr. Forrester scoffed. "Anyway, I could talk about pain and suffering for the rest of the holidays but time's a wasting and the experiment's not getting any warmer...." Dr. Forrester rubbed his hands together with anticipation as he continued. "Speaking of which, your experiment this week will once again have you venture into the strange and bizarre little world of our good friend, Dr. Thinker. This will also be your first ever Pokemon fanfic, so I hope you've been studying up on your Pokemon lore, 'cause in THIS fanfic, it won't do you one bit of good! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Dr. Forrester laughed as he held up the fanfic to the viewscreen. "May your Christmas be chilly and blight, Joel. 'Cause it's time for 'A Christmas Fit for a Pokemon'. Send them the fanfic, Frank...." "It's 3:15, 3 degrees in Toronto, here's some Venga Boys on the station with sensation, Hot Radio CSCA!" Frank muttered in a deep voice before collapsing in a steaming heap on the floor. Dr. Forrester sighed while rolling his eyes. "That's what I get for hiring an assistant from the Pennysaver." He muttered to himself as he fed the fanfic into the console. * * * SATELLITE OF LOVE As the viewscreen blinked out, Joel turned to his robot friends. "Maybe we should forget the fruitcake and just sent Frank a First Aid Kit for Christmas?...." Joel suggested. "Yeah, we could still make it festive... green bandages... red colored peroxide... a thermometer that tastes like candycane...." Tom was suddenly interrupted as alarms and sirens suddenly made their presence known. "OHHHH, WE'VE GOT FANFIC SIGN!!!" Joel cried out. (Door 6: It's a row of Christmas Trees. You turn all the bald spots to clear a path through.) (Door 5: It's made of fancy wrapping paper. You carefully take it down and fold it into a neat pile to reuse later. (Door 4: Normally it would fall towards you, missing your foot by inches but it's frozen shut. You spray it with cola until it cracks and you slip through.) (Door 3: It's made of snow. You shovel for five minutes then decide the heck with it and unleash the flame-thrower.) (Door 2: It's made of Fruitcake. It takes an hour of atomic blasts with a BFG to make a dent wide enough to crawl through.) (Door 1: To you surprise, the door has been replaced with a line of shoppers at a service desk waiting to return unwanted gifts, you wait in line for an hour, give up, and decide to keep your pair of crochet socks.) (Door .7: A beam of golden light erupts from the floor, chiming 'Hallelujah' as you walk into it. Joel emerged from the light into the theater with Tom in his arms, Crow emerging a moment later and following close behind. Stepping over the air grate that prevented Tom from entering the theater on his own, Joel placed him down on one of the theater seats and sat next to him, Crow sitting on his right. >It is me again. Tom: CAPTAIN VEGETABLE! WITH MY CARROTS! AND MY CELERY! Crow: Oh great, another Regis Philman special.... >The mad scienct of Sailor Moon Joel: Dr. Beryl and TV's Zoicite? >and Pokemon bad story writter. Tom: And he's written a lott of tthem, by gum! >Samphoo ask for a neko, Joel: Samphoo? Crow: Samphoo, you know, the amohon waror from Jkeyoh? Tom: Samphoo, the new line of Sampoo units! Order yours todya! >which means cat, and Meowth's a cat. Tom: Therefore, Meowth is a neko. Hey, this is fun! >Washu attack for Christmas Pokemon story. Crow: Washu feels a need to save the reader. Joel: Oh! Washu attack! She use mighty merchandising technique! Very dishonorable! Tom: Let's just hope she doesn't try to shake the dew off of Ash's lily.... >I hope this will fit the bill, or not. Crow: I mean, you shouldn't find out that the checks are gonna bounce till next week... >Sign >Dr. Thinker Joel: Joel Robinson Crow: Save Sailor Moon! Tom: I Have No Arms To Hold Up A Sign. Sorry! >================================================= Crow: We've just crossed the highway to Thinkerville. Joel: How does that little frog do it? >A Christmas Fit For A Pokemon Joel: But made for a Pokewomon Tom: It's all about the Pokemon, baby.... >A Pokemon Story Written by Dr. Thinker. Joel: Look everybody! Dr. Thinker's evolving! Crow: >Note 1: Ash Ketchum, Tom: It was originally 'Ketchup' before Heinz pulled their commercials. >his friends, his rivials, and his enemies Tom: ...not to mention his countrymen and romans, lent him their ears. >are all owned by Nintendo Inc.; and 4Kids, Inc. Crow: Nintendo owns four kids? Joel: Does Social Services know about this? >Note 2: Part of this story is based on Yellow Game Cart of Pokemon. Tom: But I've only got the Plaid! >In it, Gary has a Eeve that does what to use a stone Joel: Roll it over some moss? Crow: What's an Eeve? Tom: The opposite of a Mmorn? How should I know? >and it's the same story with Ash and his Pikachu. Crow: I'm lost, someone help me.... Tom: Okay, it goes like this. Gary has a Eeve that does what to use a stone. Ash has a Pikachu that does what to use a stone. Got it? Crow: Uh, thanks.... >Note 3: If you haven't watch the Pokemon eposides called "Abra >and Pyshic Showdown"; "Tower of Terror"; " Joel: ...yes? Crow: Do absolutely nothing, I guess. Tom: Thinkerism #442 -- Pyshic: 1) A sloshed psychic. 2) A sloshed customer that calls a psychic. >******************************************************* All: Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh... Joel: Man, I love Christmas! >Snow appears. Crow: What does everybody want?!? All: HEAD!!! >Ash Ketchum and his friends saw a blue winter coat. All: Tom: T-That s-sentence actually made SENSE! Crow: Unbelievable! >"Look at what Santa Claus bought me!" said Gary. Joel: It's the theme to my show! The opening theme of my show! I called Santa up and asked him if he'd write my theme song! Crow: Bought? Don't Santa and the elves *make* all the toys and stuff? Joel: Oh. Well, you see, that all ended when Santa sold out to the multinational corporations. The elves all got downsized and now he buys all his toys from Indonesian sweatshops. Tom: Ahhh.... >"It's only Dec 20, according to my Pokedex, Gary. Crow: Not according to my Rolemon, it's not! >Claus doesn't into Dec. 24 mostly likely 12:00.." stated Ash. Joel: Dec. 12:00? Since when do calendars go by military time? Crow: Mr. Claus has a very rigid schedule, ya? >"This section of Pokemon world acts like Sweden." stated Gary. Crow: Tom: What? Crow: I just envisioned all the pokemon speaking like the Swedish Chef.... Tom: Peekechoo, I chuuse-a yuoo! Joel: Jeegglypooffff... Jeegglypooffff! >"So it's start on Dec. 9." Joel: A day that will live in apathy. >"Wrong. I think you miss it", Ash stated. Crow: Miss what? The target? The bus? The thrill of battle? Tom: The point? >"Sweden's starts on Dec. 15. Joel: Except on really cold mornings. Then Sweden need a jump-start from Norway. >Anywhy, are you up to battle. Gary?" Crow: Hell no, but my speed's up to 100 mph! >"Yes" answered Gary. "Go Eeve!" Tom: Wow, a pokemon based on the first woman. Joel: Kinda makes you wonder about the attacks. Crow: Original Sin Attack, Go! Tom: Concupiscence Blast, Go! Joel: No, don't eat the apple!! >A head of small brown dog-like Pokemon pops up from the snow >covered hill near Gary. Joel: Gruesome! Crow: But very true to life! >"Oh, I forget that you were out all ready." laughed Gary Tom: Eeve's come out? Whoa! Crow: Lesbian Pokemon and the Psyduck that scorned them! Next on Jerry Springer! >as Eeve shake off the rest of snow that was stuck on it. Joel: Ah... no, you know what? I'm not even going to ask.... >Eeve's snow shaking make a snow-pokemon in a Eeve shape. Gary >and Ash share a laugh. Crow: Hey, quit hogging it! It's my laugh! Tom: No, it's MINE! I saw it first! Crow and Tom: MOMMMMM!!! Joel: Settle down, children, there's enough laughter for everyone! >Ash command "GO! PIKACHU!" Crow: Go 'Bama! All: ROLL TIDE!!! >A yellow mouse appears with long thunder-like tail. This is Pikachu. Crow: The cutest friggin' thing to come out of Japan since Astro Boy. Tom: Here I come to save the day! >Gary command "Tackle Attack" Joel: John Elway! I choose you! >Eeve run and jump on to Pikachu, Tom: Woah! This ain't that kinda rumble, Evee! Crow: Guess we were right about that original sin attack, ne? Joel: Ick.... >but Pikachu dodge the attack. Crow: (Nelson) Ha-ha! >Ash shouted "Pikachu! Thunder!" All: THUNDER!!! Na na na na na na na na.... >Pikachu shine like a Christmas tree light. From his check, Joel: Wow! Pokemon make seven figures, that's bright! Tom: She gave me a look I could feel in my checkbook.... >Pikachu shoots his "Thunder" attack. Which nuke Gary's Eeve. Crow: Wait! That's wrong somehow. Tom: You'd think with Japan's recent nuclear accident, they wouldn't be too thrilled about giving nuclear capacity to a "Pocket Monster".... >"You have see the last of me!" Gary stated. Joel: Really? Wow, that was easy! Tom: Dusted my rival and the fic isn't even half over! Crow: Pokemon league games, here I come! >Ash check his hood of this red coat. Tom: Yep, still there. >"Dec. 20. Only 4 days into Christmas. Any present, othen a bike?" Joel: How about a three-headed monkey? Crow: Meanwhile, Professor Oak says screw the freaking mutating rodents and focuses on his first love, genetics! Behold his masterpieces... a Poke Trainer... with four balls! Joel: .... >"Water Pokemon." laughed Misty who wearing a pink coat. "That's >how I get Stormie." Crow: Stormie? Is that a X-Man type Pokemon? Tom: Boy, I don't know about you, but I can't WAIT to find out the color of Brock's coat! >"Hey! Cousin" remark young girl about the same age as Misty. Joel: Oh, well, that narrows it down. >"To bad the snow's to deep here or I would have battle you rivial here." Tom: What? Joel: It's showdown time! Rivial here! Rivial now! >"Rivails? Who? Crystral?" asked Misty quickly. Joel: Smooth introduction of a new character there. Crow: Yeah, smooth like a gravel enema! Tom: Ew.... >"Him" Crystral replied as she pointed to Ash. >"Oh." Misty remarks. Joel: I don't get it. Crow: That makes all of us. >"Ash and Brock meet Crystral, Crystral meet Ash and Brock." Tom: Brock, this is Ash and Crystral. Crow: Crystral, I'd like you to meet Brock and Ash. Joel: Ash, introduce yourself to Crystral and Brock. Tom: Brock, welcome Crystral and Ash. >"I was hoping you will stop by my house. I'm hope you not a >scoorges at cats." Tom: Thinkerism #448 -- Scoorges: 1) Fear of scouring pads. 2) Fear of Christmas Carol characters. 3) Fear of cougars. >"Why?" ask Ash All: Why, Ash? >"I'm giver of neko-like pokemon, Japanese for cats." Crow: I thought neko was Japanese for cats? Tom: Wait a sec, if that's Japanese for cats, what language have I been speaking in all this time? Joel: Swahili. >"I'm heard about her on web. It not as popular as Susan's web- >site." Brock stated. "But she still hogs the internet bandwith Crow: ...scalped tickets that she refused to share with anybody! >like over thousand visits per week. Her home is in Saffon City." Tom: She built it on Rock and Roll! Joel: Saffon City... we sell Saffon... and that's all! >"Yes. Guess what. The Gym Leader is allow me and my cat pokemon >to stay at her location." Tom: We were going to stay with Oscar but Artemis kept giving me dirty looks. >"Sabriana. I wonder how she's doing lately. I wonder if Haunter >is doing Ok?" Tom: I wonder if anyone is still reading this? >"Hey! He's the sleigh that Sabriana that told me that her father >will be sending." Crow: So her father is a good sleigh? Joel: I think he's telling us that this is gonna be a crossover with another anime. Tom: Really? Which one? Joel: Sleighers. >******************************************************** Tom: That is one long tirade of censored profanity. Crow: Yeah, you'd think we were watching TBS. >On the sleigh, Ash saw a blue hooded person with a brown bread. Joel: Looks like 24601 is at it again! Crow: Damn it! Everybody's got doughy, bakery products of goodness but ME! >It was the photograher at psyhic power that help him defeat >Sabrina's pyshic pokemon Tom: All praise the power of the pyshic! >and save make Sabrina laughed. Joel: Hahaha! I scoff at the save option! If you can't finish a game in one turn, it's not worth playing! >He remenber get defeat in the first battle against Sabrina's Kadabra. Tom: Did I miss something or did her name suddenly change? Crow: The part of Sabriana will now be played by Sabrina.... >The test of the old man. Crow: Go to school, old man! >The finding of Ghost Pokemons in Pokemon Tower in Lavander Town. Tom: Think Shampoo has her hair dyed there? Joel: No, but I'll bet *Samphoo* does.... >The second battle, the appear of haunter, Joel: Oh cool! I love his theme music! Crow: Huh? What theme music? Joel: You mean you've never heard the 'Haunting' Haunter Theme? Crow: >and the old man. Tom: I'll bet he's a pervert. Old men in animes are ALWAYS perverts. >He also how in find out the true when he kissed Sabrina's mother. Joel: Okay, leave this one to me. Ummmm... 'he also how in find out the true'... that COULD mean 'he also somehow found out the truth'. Or it COULD also mean 'he's not sure if he discovered his true feelings' for Sabrina's mother when he kissed her. It's gotta be one of those two.... Crow: Okay, now what truth is he referring to exactly? Joel: Well... ummmm... D'oh! >If you thought his jaw when he saw Kadabra rolling laughing, you >should have saw this. Joel: Nah, on second thought, you have to had be there. >"Been a few months." Ash started. Tom: ...since you dropped out of school. >"How are things going?" Sabrina's father asked. >"Expect for a weekly battle between Gary or Team Rocket, Ok? Joel: Well, duh! Why else would we watch Pokemon? Crow: Watch Brock make a fool of himself with women? Joel: Well, that's true. >Get a catch two new Pokemon. My seven was give away. Crow: Jeri Ryan?!? NOOOOO!!! >My eight pokemon is at Prof. Oak." remark Ash. Tom: But to his friends, he's simply Woodsy. Joel: Give a hoot! Don't let Pokemon pollute! >"And Charamander just turn into Charmelon." Joel: Charmelon, the evolved form of the famed Charhoneydew. >"Great.", Sabrina's father said. Tom: Overcome with emotion there, huh Pops? >******************************************************** All: The UFO's have landed... and we'll tell you where they are! Midnight Star! I wanna know... I wanna know.... >A new house is beening make right behind the Temple-Like Gym of >Sabrina. Tom: As opposed to the Gym-Like Temple of Goldmans? Crow: Okay, I can't hold it in any longer. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Joel: Beening? This is a verb? Crow: Sure it is, Joel. Joel: Really? Crow: Yep. I'll show you. <> Joel: Ow! >She still uses her pyshic powers time to time, but not on her friends, >but on the trainer that still come. "Long time, no see Ash." Sabrina >said. He was dress the samilar to her battle, she wearing a red suit. Joel: Lady in Red.... >"Oh, hi Crystral. How's the Meowths coming." >"Fine. How's the Christmas coming." Tom: Great! How's the stud coming? Joel: Tom.... Tom: Heh heh heh. >"I having a hard time trying not to use my psyhic power to find >out what my gifts are. Crow: So I resist temptation by ripping open all my gifts beforehand. >But lucky, my pyhsic father decide on Christmas story. Tom: Unfortunately, he picked 'Mircle in 34 Strets'. >Oh, if I in this outfit, I was just battle against another gym trainer. Crow: Okay, and what *just battle* would she be in if she wore sweats? Joel: The battle of the bulge? Crow: Ouch. >For next 4 days, the Gym is closed." Tom: So take your sweaty spandex and iron pumping elsewhere, pal! >******************************************************** All: Starlight! Starbright! Bring out the magic of colored light! >The big Pokemall in Saffon City. Joel: Saffon City! Order 9 Saffons and get the tenth for just one penny! >"Hmm. I wonder what Misty would like. She's a water pokemon. Tom: Wha? Now that's an interesting plot development. Joel: Explains why she doesn't compete. Crow: Explains her lack of boobage. Joel: Crow! She's eleven years old! Crow: I calls 'em as I sees 'em. >Hmmm. She been bugging me about that dumb bike. Hmmm......" Tom: Hmmm, it is just me or do I sound like a power line? Hmmm.... >He stops at small bulletion board. >BIKE-R-US. Tom: Conveniently located next door to CAR-B-WE. Joel: Hi, I'm a Twelve Speed! Would you like to sit on me, rotate my petals and ride me around town for a while? Crow: .... >CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - ALL BIKES ARE $1. FREE POKEMON >WITH EVERY BIKE." Tom: Now THAT is convenient. Joel: How come they never have sales like that at Media Play? Crow: Because they want to MAKE money! >Between, "Computer Store", and "Toy Market". Tom: ...lies OBSESSION. Joel: The computer store is named 'Computer Store'? Crow: Come on down to Computer Store. We sell computers. We sell LOTS of computers. But that is all we sell. Computers. Nothing else. Period. >"That sounds too good to be true!" Tom: Good maybe. Incoherent, you betcha! >Ash stand out. Joel: Oh sure, that's pretty easy to do without a crowd. >----------------------------------------------------------------- Crow: Hey, what happened to the snowflakey things? Joel: Dr. Thinker must have shoveled the scene change. >The bike show was more then bikes, any two or three bikes. Tom: Hey, where are the dolphins?!? I came for the dolphins!! Joel: Bike me, fanfic. >"Excuse me." Ash at. Crow: ...www.gottacatchemall.com? Joel: ...www.endofhisrope.com? Tom: ...www.batbottomoftheninthinningwithtwomenonbaseandtwoouts.com? Joel: Cute, Tom.... >"I'm John. At your Christmas helper." laugh John. Crow: He was hastily scrapped together wasn't he? Tom: Laugh, darn you, LAUGH! >"I'm look for a gift on Misty." remark Misty. Joel: Misty's looking for a gift on herself? Crow: Hey, these earrings hanging from my earlobes look great on me! I'll love these! >"Oh. Misty, the Would-Be Gym Leader of Cerauleon City." Tom: Oooh, sounds like SOMEBODY'S a little bitter.... Joel: Cerauleon City! Serving your Cerauleon needs since February! >"You know here?" ask Ash. Crow: Like the back of him hand, Ash. Like the back of him hand. >"Yes. Even the story behind her. In fact, I think I know the >bike, you want and of course, the type pokemon, I give you." Tom: Type Pokemon? You mean it's good with word processors? Crow: TIMES NEW ROMAN ATTACK! >In a battle, she win, but beside on become more powerful. Hope >you don't mind. The bike, his unwrap, but the Pokemon are boxed >and wrap." Joel: The Bike, The Battle, His Unwrap & Her Pokemon? Tom: Oh, woah. I'm confused. Crow: Hokay, let me try this one... Ummm, In a battle between Ash and Misty. Misty would win with a bike and become more powerful... I think. Ash hopes that John won't be offended if he doesn't wrap the bike but the Pokemon must be boxed and wrapped... uh... does that sound about right? Tom: Eh, close enough for me. >"It's only two days before Christmas. He's your dollar." Joel: I'd buy HIM for a dollar! >"Thanks. Merry Christmas." Crow: Oh yeah. Before you go. I have this for you. It's chestnuts. You can roast them. Over a fire. In your fireplace. Enjoy! >----------------------------------------------------------------- Joel: All those minuses... Do scene changes have to be so negative? >Santa Claus was look at his Tele-Scope. Crow: Mom! The fanfic's over enunciating again! >The day clock in his map room told him it was 11:34 at Dec. 24 Tom: Anybody get the feeling Dr. T's been watching a lot of X-Files lately? Joel: Well, this fanfic probably WOULD qualify as paranormal activity. Crow: Heh. >"So Ashire Ketchum, Misty Rivers Joel: Misty Rivers... kinda poetic in a way. Crow: Yeah, somebody call Robert Freakin Frost already.... >and Brock Stone Crow: You know, take away the first letter and add a 'd' at the end and he's got a name that'll carry him for the rest of his life. >are all at Sabrina's house as well as Crystral Lakes. Joel: Crystal Lakes... wonder if a Cubone is waiting in the woods with a hockey mask and a chain saw.... >Gary is in a hotel. Tom: All right, Gary! Steal those complimentary soaps! Woo hoo! >Oh, well. What didi Ash ask for?" ask Santa turn away. Joel: Oh lord, I screwed up my line.... Crow: Don't look at me... DON'T LOOK AT ME!!! >"Looks like a Pokemon again this year is a top of his year. He >just get his right to catch and train Pokemon this tome." Mrs. >Claus replied. Crow: Amazing. Tom: I never thought I'd say it, but you really have to appreciate the way Dr. Thinker can evoke so much pain with only a single sentence. Joel: Yep, when it comes to incoherence, Dr. Thinker is a true original. All: We salute you, Dr. Thinker! >"Guess what Jessie Smith and James Holiday are trying to trick >people against. Joel: Halloween? Tom: Magic Shows? >They are in there." said a elf, Ordas. Crow: What? No Elva or Elvi? Santa must have finally wised up. Joel: Not necessarily. We could still see Ordes, Ordis, and Ordos before the fic is through.... >"Still up to they're old tricks. Get my sleigh really. I'm really >to go!" Santa Claus. Tom: Santa's been nipping at the flask again, I see. Crow: Tonight, the role of Santa will be played by Alicia Silverstone. Tom: Well, she IS near chubby enough. Joel: Really. >******************************************************** Joel: Aw, nuts! Next year, I'm investing in a snowblower! >At Sabrina's Gym. Tom: You WILL feel the burn. Oh yes. You WILL feel the burn. >Two people and a cat pokemon named Meowth are near the Gym >waiting for St. Nick. Tom: Yes, the villains continue to pine for the patron saint of razors... St. Nick. >A blue hair 16-year rich-boy name James Holiday and his partner, Crow: ...Jessie Earp. Together, with Mongo Meowth, they would set theWild West afire! >a blazzing red hair 16-year working girl name Jessie Smith. Joel: Blazzing? Crow: Actually, I've seen a few hairstyles I would consider being blazzed.... Tom: Working girl? Jessie's a prostitute in this fic? >Meowth, "Hey! It's getting close to 12:00. Get ready to teach St. >Nick at lesson in greed!." Joel: Yeah, he could really use one, what with him giving away presents for free every single year on Christmas Eve.... Crow: They're going to stuff Santa with spaghetti sauce till he bursts? Tom: Ick. >A funny laugh is heard. Crow: Fran Drescher? >Out of the fireplace, Santa Claus come down with a BOMB. Joel: Ernest Saves Christmas?!? NOOOOOOO!!! Tom: Uh huh. More like Santa Claus come down *BOMBED* Crow: Heh. >Meowth, "Reasle Pokemon!" Joel: With Reasletic Kung-Fu Grip! >Crystral appears. "To unite all people in the nation. To make >sure the real of Pokemon are followed. To make sure evil is not >around. I'm the Pokemon League Elite Member!" Joel: CUT! CUT! CUT! That didn't even rhyme! Try it again! >"The Elite Member of Cats Pokemon. Meowth get her!" Crow: What, are you NUTS?!? She's the elite member of Cats Pokemon! I lay one finger on her and the union will fine me! >"Oh, I'm rember you guys, Joel: Why, I rember it like it was yesday.... >I give you him! Go, Meowth!" Tom: Let's here it for HIM, ladies and gentlemen! All: >A green Meowth appears as well as a Charamander. Joel: Ummph... Oh man, I'm gonna lose it.... Crow: Should've laid off the spinach dip, kitty. >"Hey. Team Rocket. You should I told Meowth to be quiet as mouse." Joel: Hey, I was busy hanging the stockings with care. So sue me! >A small pokemon, but with insteand of white is green. The pokemon >contain a female pokemon type called Jynx. Crow: Ahhhh! Space Camp Flashback! Tom: Jynx put Max in space. She and Max. Friends. FOREVER. Crow: Don't do that... please.... >Ash as quicky pull out his Pokedex. The information was the following Joel: Bite me, Ash! I'm sick of helping you identify all these Pokemon guys! You'd think just ONCE you would thank me for helping you, maybe buy me a nice leather case like that lucky SOB computer that Penny carries around with her. But NOOOOOO.... >JYNX: A ancient pyshic pokemon. Rumors has it, the most of >the Jynx are at the north pole. A few are still around, >but no one have fun anyone. Joel: With a name like Jynx, it's kinda hard to be optimistic. >A Gengar, a ghost pokemon appear, All: Gengar, the Friendly Ghost! >and well as a Klasabra. Crow: Klasabra? Sounds like something Happosai would want.... Tom: Yes, it's KLASABRA! The wonder bra! Instantly fits on any size bosom, causing no pain while providing the ultimate in support, comfort and style! Tell your back pain to get bent! Buy a KLASABRA today! Joel: KLASABRA! Our motto: Trust your bust to us! >Sabrina stands in the door way. "Merry Christmas. Team Rocket!" Tom: And Happy New Year to you, George Bailey. IN JAIL!! >All the Pokemon use the most powerful attack Crow: Sticks and Stones to break them bones. >and Team Rocket was blast out throw the roof. All: The ROOF! The ROOF! The ROOF is on FIRE! Tom: Quick battle, wasn't it? >Santa Claus return Jynx to his Pokeball and Crow: ...sealed the little twerp inside a drum, filled it up with concrete and shot him into space where a wormhole proceeded to crush him until he was no bigger than a pea! Ha! Try and send Max into space now, Jynx! Huh?!? Who's your friend forever, now, Jynx?!? Huh?!? HUH?!? NOBODY!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Joel: Feel better now? Crow: Oh yeah.... >stand hand out gift. Santa Claus then leave up the fireplace. Tom: Wait? What happened to the C-4 St. Nick was toting? Crow: Oh shi... *KABOOM!!!* >--------------------------------------------------------- Joel: Wow, that's one long Hangman puzzle! >The next morning, Ash and his friends get up. All: Yayyy.... Crow: Then they went into town to look for a job. They couldn't find a job so they hung out at the drug store. The next morning, Ash and his friends... get up. All: Yayyy.... >"Sabrina, get my present for Misty out of the garge. Ok?" >"Ok" Joel: Wait a minute, get it out of the WHAT? >Sabrina was out of the room for 5 mintunes. Tom: Thinkerism #45 -- Mintune: 1) A happy song with a minty aftertaste. >A elevator-type door open in the back of the room, out comes Ash's >present. Crow: It's an elevator operator! Just what I always wanted! >"That's your present to me. A bike? Joel: That SUCKS! I wanted real estate, dammit! REAL ESTATE!!! >What that in the basket?" >"A gift." Crow: What's that in the gift? Joel: Packaging material. >Misty reach in...and unwraped a present. Misty unwrap it and toss >the lid off. Tom: Then she ripped the paper off and carefully opened the box before cutting the ribbon with some scissors as she lifted the lid of the box off. She then removed the paper from the box and folded it neatly in a pile as she ripped the top of the box clean off while tearing along the wrapping paper that covered the tightly sealed, airtight, BOX! Joel: >She found a pokemon ball. Crow: That's your present to me? A Pokemon ball? >"Go Pokeball!" Tom: Go go Gadget Pocket Monster! >The Pokemon was a winged headed Squirtle creature, a Wartortle. Joel and Tom: Wartortles! Wartortles! Rah! rah! rah! Wartortles! Wartortles! Ha! ha! ha! Crow: Cause, Mmmmmmm, I love Wartortles! >"A Wartotle? Tom: No, a Wartortle! Pay attention! Joel: And he's a Teenage Mutant Ninja! Just what I've always wanted! >I never have a starting pokemon before! Thanks." >Misty kissed Ash on the left check. Tom: Boy, Misty must REALLY love money.... Joel: She would have done the same for the right check, had it not suffered mental trauma from an aunt last Christmas.... Crow: Geez, Joel, get over it already! >-------------------THE END--------------------------------------- Tom: And we have closure! Well... sortof. Joel: Boy, and I thought 'Pikachu's Vacation' was hard to follow.... Crow: But Ash and his friends will be back in 'A Valentine's Day fit for Misty'! Team Rocket has stolen all of the world's candy! CAN Ash find a big chocolate heart for Misty? WILL Brock be able to decide between Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny for his special valentine? IS Psyduck actually Washu in disguise? Find out in 'A Valentine's Day fit for Misty'! Coming soon to a fanfiction archive near YOU! >MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL PEOPLE, WRITTERS AND >MISTING TO ALL THE PEOPLE AT SHINJI ANIME MISTING >VAULT! Tom: Aw, what the heck! Merry Christmas to you too, Dr. Thinker! Crow: And a Happy New Millennium! Joel: That's really nice of you guys.... >Sign >Dr. Thinker Joel: He's thinking.... >----------------------------------------------------------------- Crow: The bottom line.... Joel: What your IBM computer becomes three months after purchase? Tom: Joan Rivers is fifty miles of rough road? Joel: Mike Bullard isn't funny? Tom: KISS should've quit when they were ahead? Crow: We had no real idea what this fanfic was about at any time whatsoever? Joel: Natch. (Joel picks up Tom and follows Crow out of the theater) * * * SATELLITE OF LOVE PRESENT DAY "Joel? Are you still awake?" The worried voice of Gypsy derailed Joel's train of thought as he looked away from the window in her direction. "Yeah, I was just telling everyone at home about our Christmas MSTing...." "Oh. I didn't mean to disturb you...." Gypsy began. "Nah, it's okay, Gypsy. I was almost done anyway. Basically, after the experiment was over, Frank contacted us with some startling news...." * * * DEEP 13 EIGHT DAYS AGO "Yeah, I was in the bathroom when THEY arrived. I came out just in time to see two tall, skinny guys wearing black labcoats with the EVILOS logo kidnap Dr. F. They left this piece of literature behind...." Frank held up a color brochure of Evilos to the viewscreen. "Apparently, he and the other mad scientists are going to be camping out in a huge bomb shelter in case the apocalypse DOES arrive so that once the carnage is over, they can come out of the shelter and walk in like they own the place! "Sooooo, I guess it's just me and my music for the holidays. That's right! T.V's Frank is ON THE AIR and he's NOOOOBODY'S LAB MON-KAY! Whoaaaaoohhhhohhh! Yeahhhhhh... push the button? Hey, push THIS, man! Hahahahaha! Catch you laters, alligators!" Frank crooned as he replaced the headphones and cranked up his walkman as the viewscreen winked out. * * * SATELLITE OF LOVE PRESENT DAY "And so, we went on to celebrate Christmas and the New Year while Frank suffered no major injuries over the holidays aside from a little ringing in his ears and that hangnail he can't seem to leave alone...." Joel put his hand to his mouth to stifle another yawn. "Anyway, I'm about ready to go to bed, I hope you and your family had a great Christmas and on behalf of myself, Tom Servo and Crow, we wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year! "Me too! Me too!" Gypsy exclaimed happily. "G'night Gypsy. G'night, everybody." Joel left the bridge and strolled towards his room. Exhausted, he collapsed into his bed and soon fell asleep. A few minutes later, Gypsy wandered into his room and gently tugged the covers of Joel's bed up to his neck. "Merry Christmas, Joel. And many more." ...AND THE MSTINGS CONTINUE... I hope you enjoyed this and C&C is very welcome. (fcasper@yesic.com) Author's Notes: It's finally done! And only eleven days late! Woo hoo! ;P Seriously, though, I apologize for taking so long to get this out, I had a bad case of writer's block and a nasty flu that I'm still not entirely over yet. I'm hoping to get back to my other projects once this flu has run its course and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that's voted for the Chicken Ball Awards thus far. If you haven't voted yet, please visit the CB website at http://www.thekeep.org/~harnums/CB/ and vote before January 21st, 2000. Thank you. :) I've been MSTing for over two years now and I want to thank each and every person who's send me words of support and encouragement and who have helped me throughout these last two years. I treasure every piece of fan mail I receive and I consider it a great honor that some people have dedicated their MSTings to me and tell me that I helped encourage them to start MSTing. To all of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope I can continue to inspire and make you laugh for a long time to come. :) Also, I'd like to give personal thanks, once again, to Gary Kleppe, whose C&C and suggestions are always appreciated. I can't say enough nice things about this guy! :) If you haven't had a chance to check out his latest work 'I Dream of Ranma', you can reach him at kleppe@execpc.com or his webpage at http://www.execpc.com/~kleppe/comics and I'm sure he'll be happy to send the story along to you. Additionally, I'd like to give special kudos to a few people that helped me out with this MSTing.... -- Keener, who also provided some great suggestions for this MSTing. His latest fic, 'Suicide Blast 5' is coming up soon and he's working on a Tenchi fic call 'Tenchi Master of His Domain...' These and other great fics can be found at http://tmffa.com/ http://www.redrival.com/myrriden/index.html http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3342 -- Robin Seabaugh, who helped me out with my limited knowledge of Pokemon. Her fics can be found in the Anime section at http://svhp.webjump.com/ under 'Lunari'. -- Jamie Jeans, forgiving me the fic to MST in the first place and helping me out with the opening riffs. You can find all of his great works, both MSTings and Originals, at http://users.uniserve.com/~xwing/ -- Alicia Ashby, for giving me some very helpful C&C that helped the flow of the MSTing go a lot smoother. You can find her homepage at http://students.roanoke.edu/a/aashby/lynx.htm and she's written some great MSTings that you can find at http://members.aol.com/mrnoun/MWT3K.htm and various sections of SVAM. Recently, she's been working on a new fanfic series called 'Pokemon: Evolution' You can find out all about it at http://students.roanoke.edu/a/aashby/EvoWebpage/evopage.html Finally I'd like to thank Dr. Thinker for writing 'A Christmas Fit For A Pokemon' and giving me a lot of material to work with. I hope you're not offended. It's all meant in good fun. :) A MSTing For All Seasons http://www.nabiki.com/mst A full archive of Mystery Science Theater 6.7 MSTs, Megane 6.7 fanficion, and all collaborations! Shizen's Versatile Home Page V3.0 (My MSTing and Fanfic Pages can be found here.) http://svhp.webjump.com/ (Alternate site: http://www.tass.org/fanfic/MST3k/) Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings http://lefty.simplenet.com/svam/ SEASON ONE ------------------ 101- "GAMES" by Artemis (SM Lemon) 102- "ARTEMIS'S LOVER" (Original Draft) by Oscar (SM Lemon) 103- "SAILOR JUPITER VS. GODZILLA" by The Flashman (SM/GODZILLA CROSSOVER) 104- "JUDGE BRAINITITE" by Dr. Thinker (SM Fanfic) w/short "RANMA 1/2: ACCUSED PT. 1" by Karmin (R1/2 Fanfic) 105- "THE WAR" by M. Llave (R1/2 Fanfic) 106- "TRANSITIONS" by Richard Lawson (Nuku Nuku Fanfic) 107- "HELLRAISERS" (Original Draft) by Aaron Eaton (La Blue Girl/Overfiend/Original Crossover) 108- "MEN OF BOKKEN" by M. Llave (R1/2 Fanfic) 109- "BISHOUJO SENSHI ROYAL RUMBLE" by Ken Hoinsky (SM/WWF Crossover) w/short "THE DINNER PARTY" by Chris Curzon (SM/RL Crossover) 110- "XMAS SPECIAL: SAILOR MOON MEETS FATHER CHRISTMAS" by Dr. Thinker (SM Christmas Fanfic) SEASON TWO ------------------- 201- "THAT GIRL" PT. 1-2 by Oscar (SM Lemon) 202- "VIRGIN WARRIOR SAILOR MOON" by Umino (SM Lemon) 203- "*R*P*M*" by Flynn (SM Fanfic) 204- "RANKO'S LIFE" PT. 1-2 by Hitomi Ichinohei (R1/2 Fanfic) 205- "TRAPPED" by Mr_Jazz (SM Lemon) 206- "OSCAR TOON" PT. 1-4 by Oscar (SM/DBZ/WB Crossover) 207- "CALIFORNIA DREAMING" by Shakari (Mutiple Crossovers) 208- "A RANMA 1/2 FANFIC" PT. 1-2 by Sheep (R1/2 Fanfic) 209- "TRIANGLE TANGLE" by CATS (SM Lemon) 210- "THE KIDNAPPING" PT. 1-2 by SMendou (UY Lemon) SEASON THREE ---------------------- 301- "A WET DREAM COME TRUE" by Mike Rhea (R1/2 Lemon) 302- "TORTURED ECHO" PT. 1-4 by Trakal (R1/2 Fanfic) 303- "RANMA KILLS!" PT. 1-2 by Sir Asayogure (R1/2 Fanfic) 304- "OKONOMIYAKI SUMMER" by Mike Rhea (R1/2 Fanfic) w/short "UNDER THE MISTLETOE" by Mike Rhea (R1/2 Fanfic) 305- "XMAS SPECIAL: A CHRISTMAS FIT FOR A POKEMON" by Dr. Thinker (Pokemon Christmas Fanfic) 306- "9-BALL DREAMS" PT. 1-2 by Mr_Jazz (SM Crossover Lemon) 307- "WINTER" by Joseph Palmer (R1/2 Fanfic) 308- "UKYO GETS WHAT SHE DESERVES" PT. 1-2 by R_Vincent (R1/2 Lemon) SHORTY! ------------- 101- SUBLIMINALLY SEDUCE WOMEN INSTANTLY! 102- THE UGLIEST WOMEN ON THE NET! 103- PHEROMONES! 104- THE INTERNET SPY AND YOU!! OTHER MSTINGS I'VE CONTRIBUTED TO --------------------------------------------------------- "DIMISIONAL TROUBLE" by Dr. Thinker (SM Fanfic) "MOONDUSTED" by Stephen Ratliff (SM/TNG Crossover) Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings http://lefty.simplenet.com/svam/ "THE COUNTESS CHRONICLES" by Lin Lin (SM Dark Lemon) "9 1/2 CHIPMUNKS" by Toon Dreams (Rescue Rangers Yaoi Lemon) Lefty's MSTings http://lefty.simplenet.com/MSTings/index.htm 'MYSTERY WRESTLING THEATER 3000', POST 105: DOUBLE TROUBLE! (Two interviews with the Ultimate Warrior and '3:16 Rulzs!' by Oracle) Website Number 9 MSTings http://neylonpc.engin.umich.edu/mst3k/mistings.shtml "THE DAY OF EMERGENCE" by Jeffrey Lee (Ranma 1/2/Eddings/SM Crossover) "REDHEADS" by Robert Haynie (Slayers/Ranma 1/2 Crossover) Gary Kleppe's Comics and Manga Page http://www.akane.org/gary/comics.html OTHER GREAT WEBPAGES WORTH VISITING Zoogz's Fanfiction and Fandom Page http://www.nav.to/Zoogz The Homepage of Jeffrey "Oneshot" Wong http://www.anime.sobhrach.com\~jeffwong\index.html 'Suicide Blast' by: Keener http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3342/Suicide.html Additional links for Keener's stuff -- http://tmffa.com/ -- http://www.redrival.com/myrriden/index.html Flashman's Flash Point http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/3105/ JOLT!!! http://members.home.net/jolt.caffiene/welcome.htm Website Number 9 MSTings http://neylonpc.engin.umich.edu/mst3k/mistings.shtml Lord Carnage's Cursed Fanboys Page! http://carnage.fanfic.org A Sailor Moon Romance http://moonromance.simplenet.com/ Zen's Fanfiction Page http://www.mindspring.com/~databank/fanfics.html Webdragon's Lair http://members.tripod.com/~WebDragon/ Sean Gaffney's Webpage http://www.thekeep.org/~sean/index.html ">Sign >Dr. Thinker" Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations are trademarks of and (c) 2000 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights reserved. Keep Circulating the Fanfics....